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Weston-Under-Penyard Primary School

We visited Weston-Under-Penyard primary this week to educated the students of the importance of plastic pollution and recycling!

We arrived and ran our decomposition timeline with each class. This activity involves pupils working as a team to decided how long they thing it takes for everyday household waste items to break down if not disposed of correctly or recycled. Students placed items such as plastic bags, toothbrushes, drinks cans, and plastic bottles all along the timeline.

Together we all discussed how long it takes items to break down and everyone was shocked at just how long everything takes to breakdown, reinforcing just how important it is for us all to use less, and recycle as much as possible.

We ended the day with an assembly about plastic waste, where it comes from, where it goes when we throw it away, why recycling matters, and how plastic pollutes and is harmful to our oceans. The questions asked by the students were excellent and it was great to have a discussion about ways we can all try to reduce our plastic waste at home.

To help the school reduce it’s single-use plastic waste, Life’s a Beach donated 100 bottles to the school so that every student has the opportunity to refill and reuse rather than buying single-use plastic bottles. We were delighted to add Weston-Under-Penyard Primary to the six schools who are already a part of our Waste Less initiative.

If you would like to sign up your school, contact hello@lifesabeach.org to find out more.


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