

Kilos Collected


Cleans Completed


Volunteer Hours

Lunchtime Litter Picking With ProCook

Our partner ProCook joined us for yet another lunchtime litter pick this week, tackling the area around our office. Six volunteers gave up their lunch break to help make our local area litter-free.

We began by walking through the pathways between the office units to find litter. St Modwen Park was built upon an old airfield which means it is very windy, therefore lots of litter had been blown out of bins and had gotten amongst the foliage.

We found a lot of plastic wrap, as it is light weight and easily blown out of the bins. Our volunteers made sure to collect all of it to ensure the plastic didn’t cause any harm to the local wildlife. We also found a lot of food packaging and cardboard that had gotten caught in amongst the bushes and newly planted trees.

After an hour, we had collected an amazing 5 bags weighing in at 14.1 kilos. This adds to the Life’s a Beach annual total of 1197.07 kilos of litter and 238 bags collected. We want to say a huge thank you to ProCook’s staff for volunteering on yet another clean-up with us. We can’t wait for the rest of our joint events this year!

If you would like to learn more about a team beach clean or litter-pick, email us for more information!


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