

Kilos Collected


Cleans Completed


Volunteer Hours

Swanpool Beach Clean

We traveled down to Falmouth to link up with some of our favourite university societies for another year. Marine Watch, Gem Society, and EcoWatch joined us from Falmouth University for yet another beach clean in their local area.

This time we tackled Swanpool Beach, a truly beautiful little stretch of coastline surrounded by rocks. 10 volunteers gave their time to meticulously collect the hundreds of pieces of tiny microplastic that was scattered across the white sands.

Children enjoying the beach helped out, collecting up litter in their buckets to bring to our bags. The beach was full of people enjoying the warm weather and this was such a good reminder of why beach cleans are so important.

We found lots of light-weight plastic wrappers and microplastic pieces. We also found some more unusual items such as tangles of fishing nets, off cuts of wet suits, parts of surfboards, and lots of rubber bands.

Despite the swelteringly hot weather, our volunteers managed to fill 11 bags! The total weight was 7.02 kilos which might sound low, but when you consider that much of the microplastics we collected weigh only a couple grams, you can understand how much plastic was collected up.

Thank you so much to the Marine Watch, Gem Society, and EcoWatch societies for teaming up with us once again. We can’t wait to hold another clean with you later in the year.


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