We travelled down to Gyllyngvase Beach in Falmouth, Cornwall for another beach clean with EcoSoc, Marine Watch, and Gems society.

26 students from Exeter and Falmouth university got together with us to litter-pick across Gylly beach. Enjoying the sunshine, many of these students had only just moved to Cornwall to study, and it was a great afternoon of everyone getting to know each other.
We walked across the rocks, exploring rockpools and caverns till we walked all the way to Swanpool Beach. The cliffs were really steep, but our volunteers weren’t worried about scaling up the sides of rocks to get to hard-to-reach litter.

We found things like a table and two chairs, a teddy bear missing a leg, a toy car, and a kite. This combined with the food packaging and wrappers we found, we managed to collect up 16 bags of litter weighing in at 15.97 kilos!

Thank you to everyone who volunteered their time, it was great to work with this group of students again.