

Kilos Collected


Cleans Completed


Volunteer Hours

Our UK Road Trip Day One: Glasgow

We started our litter picking road trip across the UK, working with DEFRA and DXC, in Glasgow. 22 volunteers gave up their afternoon to litter pick Boden Boo Woods in Erskine, to kick off our UK road trip event.

For 3 hours we worked together to clear litter in the woods, the grasses, and along the river edge. We were shocked at just how much we collected because, upon first inspection, the park looked very clean. The bridge runnings over our heads, the strong winds, and the currents of the river, however ensured there was plenty of litter waiting for us to find.

After 3 hours we had collected 114.87 kilos! That is the most we have ever collected during a single litter-pick or beach clean ever! There were plenty of strange items found amongst the usual litter. Here are just some of the unusual items we found:

  • Road lights and signs
  • A reggae CD
  • A gas cannister
  • A plastic potty
  • Car tyres of various sizes
  • Lightening McQueen boxer shorts
  • A bollard
  • Lots of golf balls
  • A test tube
  • A packet of steak

We were blown away by the enthusiasm and determination of the DEFRA and DXC volunteers. As the first of our road trip events this week, Glasgow have certainly set a high standard! We can’t wait to visit the rest of our locations, with the next up being Newcastle!

Volunteers competed to collect the strangest item, and the heaviest bag. The winners received our reusable, insulated water bottles, as well as some of our carbon neutral t-shirts.

All of this effort is to raise awareness about litter and plastic pollution across the country. More importantly though, we are raising money to help the wonderful Hannah purchase an Innowalk. This piece of equipment will allow her to walk and move whilst being fully supported. You can learn more about her amazing story, and how you can donate here.

We have to give a special mention to Calamity Kayaking, who were finishing up their litter pick when we arrived, using their kayaks to pull rubbish directly from the river. You can see their blue bags here.

We also have to give thanks to Donna from Little Forest Friends woodland school, for letting us know where the most rubbish could be found and where we could make the biggest impact.

Keep an eye on our blog for more updates, as we travel around the UK this week!


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