

Kilos Collected


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Volunteer Hours

3rd Cam Brownies Tackles Local Litter

The 3rd Cam Brownie troop invited us to come and help them with their local litter pick. 21 brownies, 4 young leaders, and 7 adults made up our band of volunteers this time. We started by discussing why littering was bad, and what impact it had on the environment.

We focused on the lanes and roads surrounding the church where we started. The children worked in pairs, with one holding the bag hoop whilst the other litter picked. We were really impressed with their team work, and their enthusiasm.

We found lots of litter had collected in the gaps between walls and fences. Light weight litter like wrappers can be easily blown into spaces like this where it collects. Another places where this kind of rubbish can be caught is in bushes.

Mostly we found items related to food packaging, for example crisp packets, chocolate bar wrappers and such. Some of the more unusual things we found included:

  • Parts of a vacuum cleaner
  • A mop head
  • Lighters
  • A squashy monkey
  • Parts of garden chairs
  • A long plastic pole

As it got gradually darker, some children used head torches to seek out litter hiding in bushes. Their determination to make sure the area around the church tidy, was amazing.

Together we collected 14 bags of rubbish weighing in at 12.96 kilos! If you would like to organise a litter pick or beach clean with us, contact hello@lifesabeach.org!


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